Old Union 2024 Mission Trip - July 26, 2024
Friday - July 26, 2024 Today is Friday! TGIF. This day started out rather cloudy with a mist hanging over the surrounding mountain tops. And ...oops, I'm sorry, this is starting to sound like a broken record. I'm beginning to think a lot of mornings start off like that around here in Buckhorn. I was hoping to see the sun come up over the mountain tops just once. During breakfast, Pastor Peter showed us a video on his lap top of his motorcyle ride at the "Tail of the Dragon" in TN while he was on his sabbatical a few years ago. It is a very windy road, much like what we have been driving on this week in Buckhorn. This morning we woke earlier than the other days to be ready to leave at 8:30 a.m. A few of us stayed behind and went down to the gym while the others went up to Chevies, KY to the building we had worked at on Monday to pick up the remainder of the boxes, the ones leftover from yesterday. The delivery team consist...
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