Old Union 2024 Mission Trip - July 24, 2024

 Wednesday - July 24, 2024

Hello y'all!

Once again we started the day with an awesome group of Buckhorn kids.  Today, our group was half the size, but still the 12 kids that came were willing participants in crafts of cross beads and suncatchers.  Pastor Peter started the day with energizing songs, such as the song "I've Got Joy!"  The kids loved when Pastor Peter sang it in a giant voice, a tiny voice, and a normal voice.  He also taught the kids a song that started loud then slowly got softer and softer, though at the end of every stanza the kids (as well as the adults) shouted loudly "Tarzan of the Apes".  I think the whole Buckhorn valley was ringing with the shouting.  He also taught the kids a song about a "Moose"-with various names, "the moose called Bob was such a slob, the moose called Bruce he liked to drink juice etc.   For these songs, the kids tried, as well as the adults, to clap and learn the hand motions.  This got the children moving.  Today the kids met from 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.  This is the last day we will be with the kids at the church pavilion.  Eric, the youngest member of our mission team, lead the kids in games such as "Spud" and "Pass the Ball".  Spud is a game were the kids number off.  One kid stands in the middle, throws up the ball, the kid in the middle calls out a number, and the kid's whose number has been called catches the ball.  While the kid whose number is called is catching the ball, the other kids run away.  Once the ball is caught, he yells stop.  The other kids stop running and take 3 giant steps.  The catcher of the ball throws the ball toward a kid.  If the kid is hit (gently of course,) he then goes into the middle. The second game is similar to "Hot Potato".  Between crafts and games, we finished talking about victims and survivors using the book titled "The Survivors  -- for Kids in Tough Places."  The kids were separated into 3 groups and each group had two leaders.    Pastor Peter found the booklets in the church's supply closet by accident, and they fit in perfectly with this mission trip.  We have been blessed with sweet, well be-haved kids who help each other no matter their age.

Lunch consisted of fried chicken sandwiches, chips, and a drink.  

Oh, during this week, we have had a big, friendly black dog visit us during our time with the kids.  The kids love him and named the dog "Dream" and he seems to be the dog of the community. 

In the afternoon we had time off any work.  The guys went to Buckhorn Lake State Park.  Six guys went swimming while one relaxed on shore and the other was an intrepid explorer hiking far and high up into the woods above the lake.   This time the hiker did NOT get lost unlike the last mission trip, in which he was almost forced to become a hitchhiker. The three ladies stayed behind to relax, do some laundry and read.  Mary Rae and Judy discussed the scavanger hunt that is planned for tomorrow.  Lorene, Sally and Judy talked about the work to be done after we return from being with the kids at the campgrounds tomorrow.

Soon after we all got back together, we got ready to attend the Potluck Supper down at the church.  We provided a covered dish of spaghetti and a tossed salad (leftovers from Monday).  This Potluck Supper was something the members of the church do every Wednesday.  Since they knew we were coming to Buckhorn, they invited us to join them.  After dinner, Pastor Peter led the group in singing and playing his guitar.  Valerie, a church member, led devotions.  Also joining us were three beneficiaries of the Taylor Stables Recovery Center.  The Recovery Center is located in Buckhorn.  The Taylor Made Farms are located in Lexington, KY, and allows recovering addicts to work with race horses.  We got to speak with the 3 gentlemen from the recovery center and learn their history.  One had been a chef that cooked for Bill and Hilary Clinton as well as cooked at events where attendees were Robin Williams and various other entertainers.  But through an unfortunate accident his life has slowly spiraled into chaos, but he is now making dreams of getting back on his feet.  

I hope and pray that y'all are doing well while reading this blog.  Thanks for all your prayers.  Thanks to Tim and Geoff for doing my laundry while I am now too busy with Sally.  See you soon Laurie, take care Bob.   Signing off now, (James) Clark and Sally. 


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